The publishing house and the Józef Gołuchowski University of Applied Sciences are located in Poland, Central Europe, hence a lot of space in the journal’s pages is concerned with security issues of the Baltic – Black Sea – Adriatic seas area. However, Central and Eastern Europe’s issues are not the only subject matters’, we aim to build an area for international security studies, connecting researchers and opinions from various countries and continents. Our international Academic Council and Editorial Board, as well as the extensive base of reviewers, are the guarantee of the professional level of the published articles.
Ante Portas – Security Studies publishes research articles, reviews, commentaries, and opinions, concerning social sciences, with particular emphasis put on security problems in military, political, economic, social, and historical aspects. The journal connects military, practitioners, academics, and others with the research on a wide range of issues related to security, especially:
- armed conflicts
- hybrid wars
- geopolitics
- international relations
- defence and military development
- economic issues
- homeland security
- terrorism and counterterrorism
- information security
- risk management
Ante Portas – Security Studies is an open-access journal, the electronic version of each volume is shared for free on the journal’s website under the Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0.
Neither the Editorial Board nor the Publisher nor the Editor-in-Chief, nor any member of the Ante Portas – Security Studies editorial board does not charge a fee for publishing articles.